Tech Tip Tuesday
We hope you enjoy these tips, tricks, and tutorials on music and general education technology. Feel free to contact us with any topics you need help with or would like to see. Tech Tip Tuesday is a weekly program led by the ArkMEA Technology Chair, Mrs. Darla Corral, and the Innovations Chair, Mr. James Maestri.
Tech Tip #2 - Sharing the Star Spangled Banner
Darla Corral
This Tech Tip is on how to share the Star Spangled Banner with your students using Google Slides.
Tech Tip #3 - Chrome Web Extensions
James Maestri
This Tech Tip is on using Chrome Web Extensions.
Tech Tip #4 - Enhancing Lessons with Google Earth
Darla Corral
This Tech Tip is on using Google Earth in lessons.
Tech Tip #5 - Integrating Backing Tracks
James Maestri
This Tech Tip is on integrating backing tracks into your lessons.
Tech Tip #6 - Creating Basic Designs Using Canva
Darla Corral
This Tech Tip is on creating basic designs using Canva. There will be multiple videos on using Canva, and
this is the first one in the series.
Tech Tip #7 - Chrome Web Extension - Transpose
James Maestri
This Tech Tip is on using the Chrome Web Extension, Transpose.
Tech Tip #8 - Goodbye Paper Programs
Darla Corral
This Tech Tip is on using Canva and Google Drive to create digital concert programs to display.
Tech Tip #9 - Screencastify
James Maestri
This Tech Tip is on using Screencastify.
Tech Tip #11 - Soundtrap 101
James Maestri
This Tech Tip is on using Soundtrap. Get your students composing with access to 1,000s of sounds/loops and web based accessibility from any device.
Tech Tip #12 - Clef Challenges: Customized Practice Exercises
Darla Corral
This Tech Tip is on creating customizable exercises in and how to use them for note reading challenges.
Tech Tip #13 - YouTube Tips and Tricks
James Maestri
This Tech Tip is on tips and tricks with YouTube.
Tech Tip #14 - Intro to Specdrums
Darla Corral
This Tech Tip contains some ideas to use Specdrums by Sphero.
Need Tech Help?
Feel free to reach out to us about general education or music technology that you need help with!